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Anthem Bricking PS4 Bug: How To Avoid Anthem Bricking Consoles Issue and Fix It

Anthem has reportedly bricked some PS4 consoles for users due to crashes. We first reported about this issue here but this is still ongoing and has led to mass panic among the general public due to the nature of the crashes.

Anthem console bricking bug happens when the game suddenly crashes but this crash doesn’t stop at just returning back to the dashboard, it completely shuts down the console. The next time you try to turn on the console, it won’t power up or show any sign that the console is alive.

How To Avoid Anthem Bricking Bug Issue and Fix It?

If you face this bug where Anthem shuts down your PS4 and are unable to start it again. Follow the steps listed below to solve it for good.

  • Try to start the PS4 in safe mode by keeping the power button pressed until you hear two beeps.
  • Once in safe mode, plug in a controller with a USB cable.
  • Pick up the option labeled as “Rebuild Database” in order to fix PS4.

Please don’t mess with any other option like the “Initialize PS4” one which will wipe out your whole PS4 including its hard disk and any games or save data.

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If you still can’t fix your PS4 with this method, you can try plug out your PS4 for a whole minute. Make sure it is completely removed from the power outlet and then try this method again. You also need to use the power button to boot into the safe mode and don’t use a controller.

EA has acknowledged that they have heard about the issue and are currently in the process of looking at it, and hopefully working on a fix that stops the game crashing and bricking any PS4.

In other news, Anthem’s launch so far has been a disaster for Bioware. It is getting slammed by critics, and it was noticeably downgraded from its initial reveal demo at E3 2017. The game is not doing that great with sales either in the UK.

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Anthem can be bought on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The console bricking issues mostly seem to stem from PS4 version but the game crashing appears to be a universal trend across the PC and Xbox One.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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