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Bethesda Bans Fallout 76 Player With More Than 900 Hrs Playtime For Having Too Much Ammo

Bethesda apparently has banned a legitimate Fallout 76 player who spent more than 900 hours in the game to farm rare materials, ammo, and other in-game loot. They banned the account for having too much ammo according to the ban report shared by the player.

Reddit user Glorf12 claims to have played more than 900 hours of Fallout 76. He made a thread on Reddit where he detailed his experience with the game after playing it for more than 900 hours. He wrote a guide that explained the farming locations for the various in-game loot including legendary and rare loot. After he made the thread, he was banned by Bethesda Softworks with the following message.

This was apparently against the terms of service for Fallout 76 and they claim that this was done through an exploit. The email does state that depending on a future patch that might fix this exploit, the account will be allowed again but any further violation can lead to a permanent ban.

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The user speculates that his ban might have to do with trading with another secondary account that was used to trade some of the loot that he farmed, and players could have reported him after seeing such a high ranking character trading with a low ranking one.

Another issue was with how the system kept check of the ammo that was owned by him. Due to the weight limit, it was simply not possible for him to keep a stock of more than 100,000 ammo as reported in the ban message. He dropped the ammo to free up inventory space and get over the weight limit but apparently, the system keeps track of every ammo that the player collects in the game.

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Bethesda Softworks has replied back to the user with a message that they want him to file a support ticket so the team can look into the case, but banning such a dedicated player on the chance that he is exploiting in-game doesn’t really paint them in a positive light. It will simply add more to the mess that is Fallout 76 and its launch, and this is not ending any time soon.

Source (Reddit)

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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