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God of War Official Website Removes “Only On PlayStation” Exclusivity Label [Update]

After the announcement of Horizon Zero Dawn, Sony could be eyeing more PS4 exclusives to release on PC and God of War is a solid contender for it.

God of War is one of the most critically acclaimed and successful PS4 exclusives. It launched back in 2018 and held the record of one of the fastest-selling PlayStation exclusives until Marvel’s Spider-Man. It has been available to purchase as part of PlayStation Hits branding on the PlayStation Store.

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Sony has announced a port of Horizon Zero Dawn for PC. They are also letting 505 Games publish Death Stranding on PC. These two games are not the only ones when it comes to the launch of PS4 exclusives on PC. In the past, they have allowed Quantic Dream to bring their catalog of PlayStation exclusives to PC.

god of war exclusivity

After Sony embraced PC gaming, it is likely that older games will be ported to PC in the coming days and God of War appears like the most suitable candidate for this purpose. This wish is also echoed by the game director, Cory Barlog, who would have liked to see his game come to PC.

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Sony uses a special branding of “Only On PlayStation” for games that are exclusive to its platform and this appears to have been removed for God of War. If you head over to the official page for the game, there doesn’t appear to be any such branding on the page. It still exists on other regional PlayStation pages.

Update: It appears that this label wasn’t present at all on the official website. The official website only listed the title as PS4 Pro Enhanced instead of Only on PlayStation. This can be seen in the web archives of the official page.

While removing the branding of exclusivity shouldn’t be taken as Sony silently making a PC port of God of War, this happened to Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding so it shouldn’t be a surprise to see it occur for God of War.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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