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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Staggering Feat Trophy and How To Get It

To get this trophy you have to complete Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and you have to increase your staggering in a legit way. Here’s a trick to get it done.

To do this, the best option is the Fat Chocobo boss in the Normal/Hard difficulty so that it can have high HP to survive. In easy mode, it will die instantly because of low HP.  You can increase the enemy stagger % through the following methods:

  • Use Tifa’s Triangle Abilities
  • Use Tifa True Strike Ability
  • Use Aerith’s Ray of Judgement

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You will get the main weapons that are necessary for Tifa in Chapter 16. After getting all the necessary weapons you can challenge Chadley anytime you want. You will fight Fat Chocobo in his VR missions.

final fantasy 7 remake staggering feat trophy

Before the enemy is staggered, make sure to follow these steps.

  • Use Unbridled Strength twice
  • Charge Tifa’s Omnistrike
  • Use Rise and Fall to get ready
  • Charge 2 ATB bars before Stagger mode
  • Prepare Aerith’s Ray Of Judgement

Read More: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chocobos Location: How To Complete ‘Chocobos Search” Quest

So to increase the enemy stagger % make Fat Chocobo enter the stagger mode and then follow these steps.

  • Use Tifa’s Rise and Fall (it will increase 30% Stagger damage )
  • Use Ally Command L2/R2 for Aerith to use Ray of Judgement (it will increase 20% stagger damage)
  • Keep hitting the Fat Chocobo with Tifa’s attack it will charge the ATB gauge
  • Use True Strike 3 times (it will increase 30 % stagger damage)

If you are looking to unlock more trophies, there is a separate guide dealing with minigames, a guide dealing with the heavenly dart trophy, and other helpful articles on the game’s length and more.

Final Fantasy ViI Remake is available now exclusively for the PS4.

Salal Awan

Salal's main hobby is photography but he is also interested in learning the latest about Technology including Smartphones and PC Hardware. He is the co-founder of Twisted Voxel and always on the lookout for the news.

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