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Horizon Zero Dawn Is Reportedly Coming To PC

Horizon Zero Dawn launched back in 2017 exclusively for the PS4. It is now rumored that this game might get a PC port and will launch on Steam.

Sony is warming up to the idea of bringing their exclusive games to the PC. This started last year when Detroit Become Human along with other games published by Quantic Dreams were announced as coming to PC. It was followed up with the news of Death Stranding getting a PC port which is due out later in 2020.

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Sony also develops MLB The Show franchise which was a PlayStation exclusive video game. That has changed now with MLB 20 The Show confirmed to become multiplatform and launching on platforms other than the PS4.

All of this has led to the rumor coming from Kotaku today, and it is about Horizon Zero Dawn getting a PC port. According to Jason Schreier, who has a solid track record when it comes to reporting on rumors and having sources inside the industry, Horizon Zero Dawn is coming to PC.

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Sony is apparently working on bringing this game to PC. It might come to both Steam and Epic Games Store but the plan is not final yet. Since Jason Schreier’s track record so far is pretty solid, it is possible that this rumor is not another fake one but feels quite credible. The way Sony is warming up to PC ports also makes it less shocking now, but it is still a surprise move by the company who used to sell their hardware based on the strength of their exclusive IPs.

Salal Awan

Salal's main hobby is photography but he is also interested in learning the latest about Technology including Smartphones and PC Hardware. He is the co-founder of Twisted Voxel and always on the lookout for the news.

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