Since the inception of the Manga series back in 2009, One-Punch Man fans have craved for a videogame adaptation, especially one that does justice to the license. This Part fighting game, part RPG, is developer Spike Chunsoft’s incarnation which closely follows the approach of the Naruto games from the past. Players do not assume the […]
One Punch Man is getting a video game and while it might be what most of the fans had expected, it looks quite good. The first character introduction trailer for the game focuses on Vaccine Man, Mosquito Girl, Carnage Kabuto, and Deep Sea King. Saitama along with his teammates are already confirmed to be a […]
Bandai Namco is famous for their licensed video games based on famous anime or manga properties and they are bringing One Punch Man in the form of a new video game to PS4, Xbox One, and PC. One Punch Man started as a famous manga that was turned into a world-famous anime. The lead character […]
One Punch Man was highly successful with its first season. It gained worldwide recognition due to the quality of the anime and manga it is based on, and now it is returning back to the screen with a season 2. One Punch Man Season 2 has been teased for a while now. While season 1 […]