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Days Gone Frame Rate Bug: How To Fix Days Gone Running In Slow Speed?

Days Gone has a strange bug that can happen randomly. This can lead to the game running in slow motion mode and can be annoying. Since there is no way to determine how it can happen, we have outlined a way to fix this issue.

For the most part, Days Gone can play fine however this is a bug in the game that we have personally experienced as well. This bug can happen more often on the base PS4 and doesn’t seem to exhibit on the PS4 Pro. When it does happen, the game will feel like it is running in a slow-motion mode, which means everything just slows down or runs at half the speed. Here is an example of it in action.

How To Fix Days Gone Running In Slow Speed?

There are two ways to deal with the issue. One is a system-level fix that might also help you solve the issue with other games if you are facing similar problems there. It has to do with the database as rebuilding it on PS4 can often clear up the system cache and help you get a smoother OS experience. The other is a temporary fix which is recommended unless you have no other choice.

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To rebuild the database, you need to enter the safe mode and then select the option of rebuilding the database from there. It can also occur if your PS4 shuts down due to a crash or abruptly. The database is corrupt in this case and the PS4 will usually rebuild it again. Be warned that when it happens, and you have a lot of games installed, you can lose your folders and customization made with them.

While some users have reported that rebuilding the database can fix the issue with Days Gone running in slow-motion mode, but there is a temporary fix if you don’t want to deal with rebuilding your PS4 database. You can try to restart the game from a checkpoint, or pause it and wait until the slowdown is fixed. This can be annoying but unfortunately it is still occurring despite installing Days Gone update 1.04 on PS4, so hopefully, this can be patched in a future update.

Read More: Days Gone Is Just 46 GB On Disc and Playable Without Updates, Clarification On Install Size

You can read more on our Days Gone coverage. We have detailed how to fix Copeland Camp bug, how to play the hard difficulty, explained the manual save, and talked about the difference between the PS4 and PS4 Pro.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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