The Legend of Heroes series offers an engaging story that spans across multiple games. Trails of Cold Steel II takes place one month after the events of the first Cold Steel, which we have reviewed here. It continues the journey of Rean Schwarzer, who is struggling to overcome and deal with the events after the […]
Sniper Elite started as a tactical shooter that exploded into popularity after the “X-Ray Kill Cam” made its debut in Sniper Elite V2. It was further refined in the sequels but as the first introduction to this new mechanic, Sniper Elite V2 remains a cult classic. The one thing that the game never needed though […]
The sequel to Bethesda’s sandbox first-person shooter, Rage 2, is a joint collaboration between ID Software and Avalanche Studios. The latter is known for open-world action games like Mad Max and the Just Cause series, while the former is known for first-person shooters, such as Doom. The end result is part exciting and part disappointing. […]
Jupiter and Mars, developer Tigerton’s first PS4 game, is the aquatic journey of a pair of dolphins to save the world from on-going damage presumably caused by global warming, which has led to the rise of water levels across the board. Humans are no longer around, as oceans have swallowed entire masses of land, and […]
The Legend of Heroes is a series with a lot of history behind it. There are many sub-stories within The Legend of Heroes series that have their own sequels. Even though the story seems to intertwine with the other sub-stories within the Legend of Heroes saga, you can still enjoy Trails of Cold Steel despite […]
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is the culmination of From Software’s past work, and it shows through influences from Tenchu, Bloodborne, and the Dark Souls series. With its latest release, the studio has once again chosen to explore the ninja fantasy theme, bringing back the 16th century feudal Japan setting. There’s no direct relation to Tenchu, […]
The release of Devil May Cry 5 comes 11 years after the last numbered installment in Capcom’s popular hack and slash series. Aside from a reboot that was developed by Ninja Theory and featured a very different-looking Dante much to the dismay of fans, the original series protagonist has been missing in action for quite […]
Post-apocalyptic shooters are a dime a dozen in this day and age. The year 2019 alone packs the release of several games with similar survival-based themes. However, 4A Games’ first-person shooter series has managed to differentiate itself from the crowd with an immersive experience that is grounded in realism. Metro Exodus continues this trend by […]
Bird Box is the new major blockbuster movie from Netflix that has made the headlines recently. It is about a post-apocalyptic world which gets invaded by a mysterious species and leads to humanity’s extinction. It feels like A Quiet Place except you replace the noise with sight. Anyone who catches even a glimpse of the […]