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Resident Evil 3 Remake Survey Asks Fans Whether They Want PS5 or Xbox Series X

Capcom is sending a massive survey on the quality and experience of fans for Resident Evil 3. This also asks about their choice of next-generation consoles.

Resident Evil 3 Remake won’t be the last game in the series to get a new remake. There are rumors about the fourth game also getting a remake sometimes later in 2022.

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While we have heard plenty of rumor about a cross-generation Resident Evil 8 releasing in 2021, the upcoming Resident Evil 4 Remake might focus exclusively on the next-generation consoles since it is launching almost two years later.

Capcom is now sending the fans a survey that asks them about their experience with Resident Evil 3 Remake and Resident Evil Resistance. One of the questions that are asked in this survey also relates to the next-generation of consoles from both Sony and Microsoft.

resident evil 3 remake xbox one x

Capcom has previously asked users about a new remake in the series in an online survey. They are now interested in finding out which percent of the Resident Evil fans want to jump to the next-generation, and whether they will get the PS5 or Xbox One X. One of the choices also lists both so if you are one of these fans who gets every console, that might be a wise choice.

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The RE 3 Remake survey goes further in-depth to talk about the quality of the game, its length and replay value. The survey also talks about horror, action, and various gameplay elements present in the remake and whether the fans were satisfied with it.

If you are interested in contributing to the survey, it can be found here. It is a bit too long but makes sure to fill it out properly just in case a large number of users end up on the same choice of answers. You can also potentially ask for a Code Veronica Remake, which is sadly not in development.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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